Monday 4 January 2016

How to Recycle Your Christmas Tree!

How to Dispose of Your Christmas Tree 

(The Environmentally Friendly Way)

The Christmas Season is over and  now you're probably stuck with a huge, shedding, browning tree in your living room. Well do not fear! There are plenty of easy, eco-friendly ways to re-use and recycle your tree, even after it can no longer be used for decoration. We've compiled a short list of just a few of the many easy ways to recycle your Christmas tree! 

Chop It Up

Save money on buying logs and kindling and use your old Christmas tree instead. The trunk and any large branches can be sawn off and used as logs, and any small branches and twigs (as they catch fire easily) can be used as kindling to light your fire. If you don't have a fire to burn our logs on then you can cut them up so that they fit in your garden waste bin and they can be recycled that way.

Make Mulch

Everything on your Christmas tree is biodegradable, meaning that it decomposes over time and releases its nutrients back into the soil. This fact, accompanied with the pleasant smell which many Christmas trees have, mean it is perfect for mulch. Just Remove the branches from the tree and cut them into small pieces using a wood chipper (or by hand if you have the time) and spread them across the ground in your garden.

Create a Bird Habitat

If you place your tree outdoors it can provide the perfect shelter for all types of birds. You can even hang small treats such as suet, stale bread and dried fruit wrapped up in mesh bags on the tree to attract more wildlife to your garden. 

Make Potpourri

Due to their subtle aroma the needles from your Christmas tree can be gathered up and used to make potpourri along with other items that can be easily foraged or bought in most shops such as cinnamon sticks, lavender, small pine cones and holly.

Contact Your Local Council

Some Councils offer free tree recycling services over the Christmas period so you can easily dispose of your tree. Councils usually shred the wood into chippings which are then used in local parks or woodlands. If your Council does not offer this service you should also check with some local garden services as they may be able chop it up into mulch for you.

For more tips, or information on prices please visit our website and like our Facebook Page